Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Experience summary

  When it comes to planning and preparedness, I believe that I have definitely grown. I learned form last year that it was more important than I thought it was. I worked really hard at communicating with my CT and other people in the school to make sure I was prepared to teach everyone in that class.

When it comes to teaching, I feel it is something I need to work on. My CT stated in her eval that I need to work on my teacher voice and classroom management, which I agree. I have not taken classroom management yet, so I am hoping that that will help.

Assessment at the age level I taught is not always my favorite thing. 2nd grade students don't usually get a full out rubric (at least of what i've seen), they usually get graded on a 1-4 scale. To compromise, I made the rubric, with a total of 16 points, then gave a 1-4 grade based on their score. All of the students received a 3 or 4. There was only one that was a point away from being a 2.

Learning from Mrs. K was amazing. She provided me with numerous learning materials and taught me about mediums I didn't know existed. The most important thing she taught me, however, is the importance of community and being a part of it. She grew up in the town she now teaches in, and sees her students throughout their K-12 lives. It's truly an amazing thing, that creates a tight bond in the school amongst everyone. Being that figure in a community was the best thing to observe this past spring.

The biggest thing I took from all of this, this whole experience in the last year, finding out I had to re-take 208, working on my grades to get to re-take it, and re-taking it, gave me such a bigger appreciation for all of the hard work that goes into teaching, and working hard at my grades and growing proved to myself that this is where I want to be and this is what I want to do. I still need to work on my confidence, but I know I can improve.

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